Everything you need to know about your patients, in one place.

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All the forms you need, when you need them. 

Automate and save hours in clinic!

Forms can be sent to patients automatically before their appointment, completed from home, safely and securely!

Pre-loaded forms or create your own

Quick and easy access to the forms you need. Most major brands’ consent and medical forms are preloaded, so you’ll be ready to go from day one!

Need one that’s not there or have created your own? Tell us, and we’ll upload them for you.

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Safe & secure patient photos  

Peace of mind

With ANS, storing patient photos securely is effortless! No more storage on your phone’s camera roll. Cloud-based storage with SSL security means your photos are safe and secure.

Quick and easy comparisons

The photo comparison tool makes it easy to evaluate before and after pictures and send them to clients by text or email.

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Save hours spent documenting your treatments!

Accurate & compliant records

Notes are date and time-stamped to support compliance with NMC, GMC and GDC record keeping requirements. As well as having organised documentation for your Insurance.

It’s simple to add LOT and batch numbers with expiry dates for each product.

Quick note-taking with “Snippets”

Use pre-made templates (called “snippets”) to quickly add notes that you regularly use at appointments – such as “Risks and benefits discussed”.

Start your free trial today


Accurately plot injection points and dosages for the best treatments! 

Documenting the areas that you have treated and the amount of product used is crucial to your treatment records!

Plot injection points and dosages accurately and directly on to a patient’s photos – with our easy-to-use treatment mapping.

Practitioners love how professional this looks.

Start your free trial today


Prepare and sign prescriptions in seconds! 

Safely prepare and sign prescriptions in seconds!
Simply select the patient, the prescriber, and the products – and the prescription is created for you.

You’ll have quick and easy access to your prescriptions records for each patient.

Start your free trial today

Manage your patient records with ease

Start your 7 day free trial today

No card details required. No obligation.

© 2024 Aesthetic Nurse Software (ANS).
Aesthetic Nurse Software Limited.
Website by Web Marketing Clinic.